Episode 41 Sweden - This episode features Will Ferrell in a special titled Men vs. Wild, where Ferre...Episode 41 Sweden - This episode features Will Ferrell in a special titled Men vs. Wild, where Ferrell tags along with Bear as they journey through the frozen wilderness of Sweden. The episode is a tie-in to help promote Ferrell's new movie, Land of the Lost. -Survivalist Bear Grylls takes on the elements in some of the toughest, most inhospitable places on earth. From the deserts to the jungle, to the mountains to the arctic climates, Bear shares his best survival techniques and shows how to best stay alive in some of the harshest conditions.
本片的其他名字:野外求生 第四季 / 荒野求生秘技 第四季 / 人VS狂野自然 第四季 / Ultimate Survival season 4 / Born Survivor: Bear Grylls season 4,看过《荒野求生第四季》的人给本片的综合评分为0.0。