Sam Hodiak finds himself drawn into a new case when he begins receiving mysterious packages with pho...Sam Hodiak finds himself drawn into a new case when he begins receiving mysterious packages with photos of missing girls. Charmain's risky undercover operation provides valuable information for a drug case but exposes her to great danger. Meanwhile, Charlie Manson and his growing family move into the home of their new benefactor, Dennis Wilson, in their continuing quest to break into the music business.本片的其他名字:水瓶宫,看过《罪恶的灵魂 第二季》的人给本片的综合评分为0.0。片长时间为45分钟。根据本站了解,该剧总共有13集。访问豆瓣可查看更多关于本片的演职员、视频和图片、获奖情况以及短评等:进入豆瓣详情。喜欢本片的人为它打上了这些标签:美剧,罪案,犯罪,美劇,格辛·安东尼,大卫杜楚尼,大卫·杜楚尼,大卫·博伊德。