Scarlet forms an instant bond with a girl named Dylan at a wilderness camp for troubled youth. Torme...Scarlet forms an instant bond with a girl named Dylan at a wilderness camp for troubled youth. Tormented by memories of her deceased mother, Scarlet believes she has finally found someone with whom she can share her family secrets. However, as she opens up, an unexpected twist of events unfolds and the new friendship is soon devastated by betrayal.本片的其他名字:,看过《体验》的人给本片的综合评分为5.5。访问豆瓣可查看更多关于本片的演职员、视频和图片、获奖情况以及短评等:进入豆瓣详情。喜欢本片的人为它打上了这些标签:2019,[歐美],M美国。