Emilia, who suffers from a terminal illness, embarks on a journey with her best friend Violeta. On t...Emilia, who suffers from a terminal illness, embarks on a journey with her best friend Violeta. On their way they meet Mark, who claims to be an alien on a mission to destroy the planet for considering humanity (and love) a virus. However, Mark begins to doubt his mission falling in love with Emilia.本片的其他名字:,看过《通往火星之路》的人给本片的综合评分为0.0。片长时间为1h 33min分钟。访问豆瓣可查看更多关于本片的演职员、视频和图片、获奖情况以及短评等:进入豆瓣详情。喜欢本片的人为它打上了这些标签:墨西哥,西班牙语,航班电影,爱情,泰莎·依亚,待下载。